15 Nov 2006 14:53
Réponses: 3
Vus: 3587
Barak allhufik
I just heard the song via phone thats why I didnt heard the voice clearly..thought it's samir...anyway shokran

15 Nov 2006 14:18
Réponses: 3
Vus: 3587
Salam alaikom

My french is bad thats why Im writing in english / arabi.
Nlawj fy 2 ghnayat.
1. Samir loussif yamma lela kalem baba w min ghodwa nimchiou khataba... sabry tal...3ouzoubiya. bent hlal.... don't know the rest
w el ghnaya lokhra mahyash mezwed ama 9olt beliksh ya3rafha 7ad minkom...Its a rai song w yighany faha rajel... text: ya galbi rahel..kraht a dunia weli fiha....mizilt nmout 3liha I heard this song this summer fy tunis.
I hope u could help me.
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